GridHaul 3.1 update
I have been getting things done behind the scenes for 3.1 development
Sadly other things keeps coming up for me but am TRYING to get to gridhaul.
Because of changes and stuff heres a new update for ya of whats coming.
“ven can i has {blah blah} in the system to pickup?”
I get that almost weekly so heres the plan.
Gridazon! You all can make your own items, buy and sell to/from others, set your price per GridGrams and assign items to a gridhaul hub.
Will be all in GridPay P$ with GPaONE required to use the site.
So 3.1 will be awhile longer before its released cuz i wanna do Gridazon first then integrate that with GridHaul.
Q: How you going to handle inflation?
A: Max price will be set, probably like P$100 per GG. wont be able to set the price over the max allowed price
Q: How many items can i add to the system for hauling?
A: currently thinking 10 for free, 20 for GPPrems
Q: Can I add a dildo?
A: NO! Caught adding Adult rated items in the system or anything defaming/discriminant will be deleted and you possibly facing a network ban!