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Apr 19 2024 3:17PM
Site: GridPlay

Switch from Bootstrap to Flowbite/Tailwind CSS

Ok first what is Bootstrap, Flowbite and Tailwind?
They are frameworks to help make websites look better

Why the switch from Bootstrap?
Bootstrap is old and limited, originally created by Twitter dev team it grew and used by many websites
Since Tailwind was created not to long ago it has more support by modern browsers then Bootstrap.
With the help of Tailwind's extention called Flowbite CSS Framework us devs at GridPlay Productions are able to make our websites more mobile responsive while looking more modern and cool

As we roll out our mass integration plan and move services off of we are also updating websites using bootstrap to use Flowbite which has Tailwind integrated with it.
Currently there are still afew more websites we need to switch over including which will be switched over in the coming days of this blog posting. We will put up a notice on the site when we do the flip.
While the switch is in progress of a website the website will look derpy since Bootstrap code is way different then Flowbite code so wanted you to all know of this before we switch any more websites.