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Jan 06 2025 9:59AM (Edited: Jan 06 2025 10:00AM)
Site: SimSaga

Sim Saga DevBlog 4

What happened to blogs 1 to 3?

They on our discord, welcome to join it at


So onto number 4!

HUD is ready for testings, there's still some more things to code in it like getting vendors from the pantry.

Illnesses and pregnancy system will come at a later time.

Items are being put together and put into the dropboxes. Right now there's just coffee beans, coffee grinds and coffee cup. I used those to test while coding.

Achievements code is done, just gotta put more achievements and titles into the database
Professions is ready, can only do 1 profession per week. If you do a recipe that has your profession for it, you get bonus XP.

Right now my prof is farmer so if i turn beans into grinds i get bonus XP for it. Math is (xp * prof bonus)

Genders are in but useless right now till i write the illness and preg systems.
NO AGES! And i dont expect to put those in unless legally have to for adult stuff like wine. Of course DFS has no age for their stuff.
A notecard is done and will be in with the HUD package explaining alot more about the system.

All that is left to do is…

  • - Add recipes to the database
  • - Code the farming system, probably just start with plants first and do the seeds/farming plots later
    - Breedables will come later like cows, for now Milk will be in grocery stores.
    - Affiliate pack for grocery stores that has required items that cant be harvested yet
  • - The main website still needs to be worked on which ill be doing today
  • - WIll have a open RESTful API system so all you scripters can fetch data like recipes in JSON format
  • - Still want to do a vendor system so you all can sell your usages for L$ and P$
  • - Got GridHaul integration on the list too.


So thats it for now, ill post more for DevBlog #5 on here. Thank you for your interest in this system.