GridHaul 3
GridHaul 3 is now available.
V3 comes with alot of changes and improvements
By setting up your terminal and/or getting the HUD and getting a GridPay balance you agree to GridPay's terms. Basically you know that its a peer to peer FAKE currency for roleplay use.
GPaONE login account is so you can access most of GridPlay's web services with just 1 login account. We use Laravel and Socialite as our OAuth2 bridge for logins.
Dont worry GPaONE and GridPay are both free to get.
- added experience points (XP) and levels
- Fixed alot of server side derps
- Added GridPay and GPaONE integration, meaning G$ from v2 will NOT roll over
- GridHaul now uses its own domain, because thats what its meant for.
- Website now uses Tailwind and Flowbite css framework
( still uses Bootstrap css)
- delivery runs are now saved and can be tracked (tracker list on the site coming soon)
- Chrome sometimes sees the site as a dangerous site, Opera GX does not.
All of our websites are NOT harmful, we are not in the business to be asshole hackers. It's just Google Chrome being way to secure.
- No leaderboard yet but its on my todo list
- received and shipped out stats for hubs is not saving, may rewrite that part on the site.
- - Not alot of hubs available at first as all hub owners will have to re-setup their hubs
- when making a delivery if the owner of the HUB has less P$ then what is owed the delivery will not go through
- Payments for pickup and delivery is now through GridPay, GridPlay's own roleplay currency system that is peer to peer. Meaning if you dont have enough P$ for a pickup the job is cancelled, if the receiving hub does not have enough P$ for the job it is cancelled.
- for security reasons we dropped webconfig for hubs, hub owners must have a GPaONE to edit their hubs on the GridHaul website. for a free account.
Only available for delivery players and only when dropping off a package.
GridGrams plus the number of sims crossed, IF, and a big IF, players keep crossing over between 2 regions to gain XP i WILL remove the sim calculation.
This is meant to be for fun ONLY! No abusing the system!
By having a hub and/or playing the game you agree to be fair and responsible.
GridPay - You agree that GridPay P$ can NOT be exchanged for L$ or any real life currency. This is a FAKE currency system designed for roleplay ONLY!
Venkellie reserves the right to be the ONLY one to sell P$ for L$ but on a 1 to 1 basis. One Linden Dollar for one GridPay dollar. NO P$ TO L$ AT ALL!
GPaONE - We do NOT ask for your email or any other rl info, we do not track IP's, we encrypt all passwords and dont need to ask for your GPaONE password at all. Signing up with a social media service like Discord will NOT grant you access to your SL stuff. DO NOT USE YOUR SL PASSWORD FOR A GPaONE ACCOUNT. Two Factor login is on the roadmap.
SecondLife data storage - We ONLY store your legacy name and UUID of your avatar to better serve you with your data. Meaning if you make a hub we use your UUID to know who owns the hub and let you edit it through our website. NO REAL LIFE DATA IS STORED and your SL password can NOT be fetched using inworld scripts.
GridPlay is NOT responsible for anything outside of our services/products. If your SL gets hacked it is NOT our fault. We use bcrypt to encrypt your GPaONE account before storing it in our database, we do NOT store raw passwords.
just have harmless fun with GridHaul and/or any of our products/services.
GridPlay was made for fun.