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Aug 09 2024 10:35AM (Edited: Aug 09 2024 5:52PM)

so quiet sup ven?

Ya i been slacking for the past 2 months now. Why?
I joined a roleplay community and started helping them, i also was making a rp hud system for them similar to MyStory and DFS called TownLife.
On top of TownLife coding they made me a estate manager and then left the town up to me to run and watch over.
WELL this past week i started to get stressed out to the max.
Im right now at SLDA typing this so you all know what happened.

Moving forward i will NOT partner with anyone or help for free. This is the 3rd time i did this and got screwed.

SO now i am out of there and going to come back to what i love best, making stuff for you all under the GridPlay name.

Thank you all for sticking around for 2 months while i did a dumb thing. Promise ill get gridphone and gridhaul updated soon. Before Christmas i hope.

-venkellie resident